Monday, February 9, 2009

~~sick of love~~

people are really judging themselve when the negative situation happen in their real world of L.O.V.E. ;

"Im not good enough for you?"

"Are you bored with me?"

or "Are you having another one?"

it always happen,thinking on something clueness, never get the answer. But why it still need to put them into the first stage of our heart???

"becoz he/she is the one for me."

"first and last for me"

"stick already, cannot be replace"

people always answer that question, but sometimes, others are really strong to say, "I can find more better than you!!!"......

but for me, love at first sight, first touch, are always be the last, even we cant get it for real, trust me, a little heart will save them to love you again. Not here in the earth, but "up there".......

are u lucky enough????

Are you lucky enough??
People always want something that really related to easier living situation. But it may not like what we had today, but sometimes others will get it easy.
I’m not telling that this kind of situation are wrong, but people who not easy to get in into that kind of situation, what are they need to do? Even I’m also, always talking by myself, why I’m not rich like Mr. Trump? Why I’m not clever like Bill Gate? Why I’m not sporty like Dato’ Nicole David?
See, it always plays into my mind. Which are plays by your mind to? I think yes. But when I think again, it is not wrong to be what I’m right now; I’m not good looking, but attractive, hahahaha
I’m not clever enough, but I’m creative, I’m not sporty, but I can ran more than 2 kilometers, see, that was my capability on trying something that I can do.
Before this, I never thought that I can manage to attempt any University, but on my ability to capture a thing to be done, I manage to get in into UiTM, and I love it.
Sacrifice may be use to any person who living as a human in this tiny world. Dignity and trust on good thing will get you something more benefit to be price on what we do, what we feel, and what we trust.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

MAS AF sakit jiwa???

Bila kedengaran artis yang bernaung di syarikat Maestro itu, dikatakan sakit jiwa dan telah menyerang orang awam (betulkan jika salah), membuatkan industri musik kini bergegar dengan cerita tersebut.

Melalui sumber yang kita percayai, Melodi dan juga Galaksi (rancangan tv9), mengatakan bahawa dia tertekan dengan album yang dijanjikan oleh pihak maestro.

Pendapat saya mengenai hal ini bukan tertumpu kepada Mas untuk dipersalahkan sepenuhnya, pihak lain turut terlibat.

Seperti kata Freddy Fernandez, mengatakan bahawa, pihak maestro tidak berhasrat untuk menyambung kontrak dengan Mas, akan tetapi Mas menolak, kerana ingin terikat dengan Maestro lagi.

Jika freddy berkata yang Mas tidak begitu berbakat, mengapa dari awal lagi Akademi Fantasia mengambil Mas sebagai calon finalis Af musim ke-2?(betulkan jika salah).pihak pengkritik juga berkata bahawa Mas ada potensi untuk pergi jauh, tapi pada masa kini, Mas seperti dihindarkan jauh dari industri musik.

Bukan semua telah berbuat demikian, Azwan Ali sebagai contoh yang terbaik kerana mengambil beliau dalam rancangan amboi2, sebagai 'bulan jamaica', telah menaikkan lagi rancangan tersebut. apa-apa pun tetap Azwan Ali yang telah membantu sedikit sebanyak kehidupan Mas dalam Indsutri ini.

Mungkin Mas sendiri lemah dalam mengawal diri sehingga dikatan sakit jiwa kini(masih belum titik noktah sakit jiwa beliau), akan tetapi, tekanan perasaan pun, bukan semua boleh kawal, terutamanya, pihak wanita. Bukan maksud saya,wanita tidak cekal, tetapi sesetengah orang akan mengambil jalan mudah untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini. Begitu juga lelaki.

Kepada keluarga Mas, harap dapat bersabar, dan kepada semua pihak yang terdekat dan jauh, harap dapat membantu Mas dalam meneruskan hidup yang lebih sempurna dan normal sedia kala. Kerana, Mas masih ada keluarga dan juga anak-anak, oleh yang demikian, dapatlah membantu beliau untuk meneruskan kehidupan seperti dahulu.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Universal Music????????

When we are talking about music, theres a lot of it, from the aged we are not born, its exist until now, we surrounded by music. i love music, music rythm click to our heart, feel to dance, sing with the singer, or just the melody, its harmonic of each instrument,played by the profesional, it doesnt matter what type of music youre listen to, but it depends on your priority to reduce your tension, or just having fun with it...

I love jazz,waltz, but might be unliken by others, its still, universal to say that music can make people hates somebody...but it just human nature. but feel free with the music.!!!!!!

do you love rock music??????

I love it to..but just a certain of it, not all the music of rock i like, seems people have another definition on how they describe the rock music for their own opinion. still, feel free to listen the music...such helloween, metalica, yess, definitely, this band already being known all over the world, i love their music, some song can be my favourite...

how bout this punk music???

just a certain of it can be my favourite to, especially from malaysia,A.C.A.B, one of my brothers favourite, but not bad, their song not to directly into the punk daily life, their song more to contain of express on what their think for this life, but sure, not really that bad. try to listen.

SKA???love it...!!!!!!

we kind like a place to put all the type of music together here in Malaysia, we have new born of music such as indie song, even its exist long time ago, but now it become habit for those people who active in this type of song, nowadays, this band speak up and really fast growth and being except by malaysian citizen, like a carnival and fiesta, we appreciate on the creativity and loyalty to support our own music industry..Peace!!

What type of it, what song you listen, just be it, people love it, try to love it, just be it, no body say no, just dont try to put music into your own war,music not an item to start your controversy, just chill with it, enjoy with it....PEACE no WAR!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

joging for health, not to skinny!!!(mengharap juga kurus)..hahhahahah~~

hari yang kami cxl kelas utk kelas service management, we decided to had a jog, together around the lake just beside of the UNISEL,shah alam.. hari tu, tia sangka, bole pusing 3.5 round tu tasik...fuyyooo.!!!syabas utk diri ku...hahaahhah

yalakan, aku ni dah la gemuk, people of us really hard to jog on that long meters,maybe kilometres,..hahhaha

but, for rite now, i determine myself to put an sport activity, as one part of my schedule everyday, tapi ari ni, sakit perut cxl,lagipun geng yg lain tia ikut, so today its cxl....

this are the picture we took yesterday, the best picture took by D.D, (rite next to me)., semua empat2 masuk, lain gambar adayg tiga, adayg dua org ja tegambar..hahaaha

so, bukan utk kurus, my mom always said that, active leisuring doesnt meant to loose some weight only, but to have good healthy while you still mom kan , ssh owh mau dapat sakit ni.. dia aktif pgi joging, and she always bought something healthy product such water fillter, (if you scroll, you can look down of the web), and so many thing...even it expensive, still want to buy, and see, my mom still look good, and healthy, my father ja la ,ssh sikit mau gerak..habis keja, penat...tapi apapun, harap kami bahagia sampai kami ada keluarga yang besar, i love my family....... :)

what a mess?????!!!!!

lamanyer aku tgglkan blog ni....busy sgt kot????(ye ke??)...hehee...ape je la... tp yg penting skang ni , aku mengalami satu kebodohan yang amat sangat....bodoh gila nak mampus... tapi apakan daya utk menutup kebodohan aku, aku tepksa mengeluarkan duit yg begitu bnyk...

lpas ni, malas nak ikut kebodohan itu lagi.....tutup!!!!!!!!!!!

perenggan/cerita baru
nak cerita la.sejak tak berblog ni, sebelum ni ada cuti seminggu, aku demam sangat....tu yg tk gi joging, badan yg tak turun2 naik mendpat kan cecahan yang amat menyeramkan...hahahaha... tapi tu la, skang ni nak aktifkan balik....sebb melalui fakta sains mengatkan( ceh konon)., apabila kita membuat senaman selari dengan kehidupan kita, yang mana kita sentiasa bersenam(berhari-hari), kadar metabolisme dlm bdan akn sentiasa pada tahap membakar, akan tetapi jika kita meninggalkan senaman tersebut let say, 3 days, kadar metabolisme akan menurun...

oleh itu ,saya ikut la fakta sains itu, dan sekarang ni saya pun pegi la joging kat tepi unisel tu ada tasik, kat sana la saya sentiasa mengeluarkan peluh.....scenary pun canteekk..hehehehe

now and then, harap tidak la badan saya kembali sperti tingkatan 5, kalau boleh badan aku krus seperti di politeknik, nak masuk kan gmbr tingkatan 5, tkde soft copy, ni gmbr time kat poli: