do I belive in love right now?? mgkin... tah la..malas pikir, tp klu terlintas, sana la tu yg sakit ny...
tapi apa kan daya,.. klu aku ni ditakdir tiada cinta yg mana maksud aku selain ,cinta ku kepada Allah, cinta ku kepada Rasulullah S.W.T, cinta kepada Ibu Bapa ku,...
Apa bole buat.......
if I meant to be alone, nobody care bout myself, to take care of my heart, heal me anytime that I sad..., i'll be cool., chill,....
sometimes, I talk to my cat, becoz beside my bestest friends (kamu tau la tu sapakn), I always talk about love, about someone to my cats.... (ive got 10 counselor to heal me)...heheh
I love them... my catss mostly....
becos they really know on how they reply back on what I said.... cakar aku!.... hehee.. dah banyak parut dah kat tangan...
till then... another diary posted to everyone of you..... mwaaxxx..kiss kiss.....**
Thursday, June 24, 2010
bila cinta ilang power...
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 6/24/2010 08:49:00 PM 2 kata-kata pujangga
label with sakit ati
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
perlukah.......... :(
"jaga kesihatan aa..., jgn nakal2 taw".... "jgn pegi sana.... ayang tak suka"... "siapa call tu?",,.....
banyak lagi ungkapan sayang kepada si sayang.... walaupun nada yang marah, merajuk, tapi semua tu tanda still can be one of the alternative way to show how exactly you care to your beloved...
"kalau sayang x mau sdh, okay...kita buat haluan masing2".... kenapa perlu mengalah?? kalau kita sayang sangat, mana kekuatan tu??? where is your courage when you spell it out on the beginning of the relationship with him/her??..... putus asa sebab perkara yang hanya disebabkan kelemahan berkata2...
aku berkata2 bukan sebab aku ni ada couple or anyone that really special... but, tgk sekeliling aku semua nya cintan cintun, so aku ambik la sikit2...
why fight always occurred in relationship??? bcoz it one of the reason that on how or to show why you love them.. (really???).....
ntah la... tapi apa bole buat, klu sudah begaduh, panjang betul gaduhan itew, sorang mesti la jadi air ,... siram api tu, klu tanah ,kena siram supaya nda smpi kering kena cahaya matahari....
hehe..." sedangkan cinta situ sana sini berputik, ku melangkah merapuh kan sendiri laluan sempit itu, agar ku jauh sedikit dari pohon yang berdaun lebat.. mungkin tiada harapan ku dekat, kerna duri-duri sudah mula mencakar pernafasan sekelilingnya"....
hanya pastikan jalan ini tidak sesat dan dimakan waktu yang hanya seketika, dapat kah ku lari dari cengkaman fantasi yang sendiri ku memakan diri....
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 6/22/2010 12:45:00 AM 3 kata-kata pujangga
label with macam macam macam macam
Monday, June 14, 2010
I'm not into facebook right now to espress my feeling...
people always shoot their words towards facebook.., aku pun... seriously, like every thought, every feelings, every reaction to the situation, drag me to put a sentences to the box of comment, provided by the admin.. yaa...
but now, entah its a stop period for me to do that on facebook.....maybe because I'm in hometown right now, and my sibling just around my waist..ehehe.. easy for them to laugh on what I post on facebook... almost of the sentence aka quote, all about love....and you know what... adik2 saya always put a big Lol commented through the sentences I post... :P, let me express it MOYEDIN ABDULLAH is I'm freakin Miss ***........ :(
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 6/14/2010 01:10:00 AM 1 kata-kata pujangga
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Okay..... i feel bad,... but...
now I know where is my part for the hierarchy for the list of 'heart loyalty'....(buat sendiri)..hehe..
biarlah,, i just leave it just like that... people always say, one day, you'll come with some one who love you more than you expected... (sapa cakap tu aaa??)..hehehe...
anyway, sapa suka tgk GLEE???? OMG.... I always wanted the complete series of the musical drama,.... seriously, sapa ada????If there's any DVD complete with chapter 1 and 2, pleaseee... someone show me, or give it as a present??? (blinking eyes)* wink2...hehe
surely people who had it, must from downloading,...anyone dare to teach me HOW????? hehehe....
now, let me story something... hehe., semalam pegi wedding one of our friends sister, at karamunting... search in google map, ada tu...hehe
tapi tidak sempat pula mau jumpa pengantin lelaki, .... well, unlucky....
but, we do pray for your best, hopefully this marriage just not for a short term period, hoping this is the mosque that standing forever and ever...haha.. (napa aku makin budu BI ni?)..hehehehNooWWw... the season of world cup is on!! im not so obsess to futball, but the impact of this world cup season is tremendously change the ambiance, every time of the hatric (woww, hatric ka??)..haha... mesti ada yang shout kuat2.....abang aku lah tu.. before this, Euro league kan ada main??? btul kan??? hehe.., kawan yang bagitau, chelsea ka yang menang??? ntah la.. hehe, but, compare to world cup, people who not watching the euro league tiba2 muncul,sama2 teriak to every goal they shoot....hehe, ntah la... maybe world cup does have it own quality,..maybe..
soo., which country will be the champion for this season!!!??? entah la... hehehe...we'll see....
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 6/13/2010 08:20:00 AM 4 kata-kata pujangga
Saturday, June 12, 2010
its really hurt...... :((((((((
I'm not like what you thinking!!!!...... I'm not that tough to handle on this kind of situation that you've brought to me... why the sadden must shown during my rehab to forget you... ????
should I keep thinking about you, or just forget it????? do you think it easy enough to forget you????haaaaa?????
this kind of bullshi* just nothing to do except ruin my life,... why I always has to be the victim?? for you I was nothing to look or heard, or even knew about my life, even me alive or dead, you just do nothing.....
I just crying a lot,..... but why should I????does it clear *** vision to know my situation????? shi*.............
I'm a dumb-es person who ever show up into your life,kannnn?????......
(semua di atas ayat paling bodoh).......... :(
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 6/12/2010 12:37:00 AM 0 kata-kata pujangga
label with bodoh sedih gila
Friday, June 4, 2010
"this is not a date"....... message towards me... :P
ok ......I know. ..sometimes I always feel like a butterflies flew out and in back into my tummy.... I always prepare myself to not think about what its not meant for me... yaa..., I know,sad situation... apa yang perlu aku buat just be wise to face the reality....
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 6/04/2010 01:16:00 AM 4 kata-kata pujangga