amazingly this last semester just different to other period, you know that this is the answer of am I getting to grad on time??? does it feel to be proud on what I do for 3 years?? yes! I proud for what I've been done for the last semester.... but the CGPA doesn't look good for me.... oh my... btw, it's done... I'm finally graduate on time...... Thank You Allah,..... Thank you for the bless... my dad and mom, I know,I'm the one who spent a lot for the expenses in this 3 years... degrees in my hand! I just need to pray for what I'm going to do in a future.. and to my family, brothers and sisters.... hope this will be a start of our new life in rich and famous...hahahaha... nada dduit.....uwaaahh!~
ok, just for sure, i really wanted to work as govern server.., hoping for what I waited for so long, it'll come to me soon as possible.....pray for me guys......
Friday, December 10, 2010
finally got it!!!! resultt!!!~
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 12/10/2010 02:38:00 PM 2 kata-kata pujangga
Thursday, December 2, 2010
aku sahaja belum keja.....:(
ok... aku belum keja.... susah nya cari keja, bila dapat keja, not fit with my desire...haha.. bkn memilih, tapi cara nak pgi keja tu susah sangat...
hope to seek more opportunity.... sigh*
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 12/02/2010 06:35:00 PM 0 kata-kata pujangga
permohonan UMS!!!
Yes definitely im thrilled wheen i was saw the statement that I will sit for the test of psychometric... but until now there is no feedback, when I will do for the test, since that the statement only show this:
lama sangat2 aku tunggu tuk dipanggil....ok, ive already try to call the person who incharge for the recruitment, Mr. Kelvin, and I try it a lot, almost a day, no body pickup the phone, since this is one of the only connection to seek the answer, and no answer for my Q, how am i going to do??? pleassseee...someon who really know about on how to seek the answer...please pm me.... :)
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 12/02/2010 12:59:00 PM 0 kata-kata pujangga
label with bukan akademik, e-jobs, ums
Friday, November 12, 2010
step up 3 ost song who you are; jessie j cornish
love itt!!! i jusst heard this song for the premier edition, it just a half of the song, but I dindt know whos the singer,. when I google it, and found this video in youtube, feeling good to this song...enjoy!
who you are jessie james cornish
I stare at my reflection in the mirror
Why am I doing this to myself
Losing my mind on a tiny error
I nearly left the real me on the shelf
No, no, no, no
Don't loose it all in the blur of the start
Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing
It's okay not to be okay
Sometimes it's hard
to follow your heart
Tears don't mean you're losing
everybody's bruising
Just be true to who you are
(Who you are, who you are, who you are x4)
Brushing my hair, do I look perfect?
I forgot what to do to fit the mould
The more I try, the less it's working
'cos everything inside me screams: no, no, no, no, no, no, no
Don't loose it all in the blur of the start
Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing
It's okay not to be okay
Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart
Tears don't mean you're losing
everybody's bruising
Just be true to who you are
Yes, Nos, egos
fake shows like BOOM
Just go, and leave me alone
Real talk, real life, good luck, good night
With a smile...
That's my home, yeah
That's my home...
No, no, no, no, no...
Don't loose it all in the blur of the start
Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing
It's okay not to be okay
Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart
Tears don't mean you're losing
everybody's bruising
Just be true to who you are
Yeah, Yeah....
(Credit bitureexpress)
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 11/12/2010 03:40:00 AM 0 kata-kata pujangga
Thursday, September 2, 2010
lamanya tidak post something!~
Assalamualaikum... pertama ....Selamat berpuasa bloggers... really busy and no interent access for a long time... seriously, I can't live without technologgy...
Puasa...fasting month is really enjoy for having a good and peace live... its motivate us to make something that doesn't realte to a sin.... (tapi aku buat juga)... malu.**
anyway, susah nak jauhkan dosa...lebih2 lagi bila its being our daily routine to do it.. aiyakkk!~.. tapikan, puasa tidak tinggal tau... full of chargee!~ never ever try to eat during fasting period.. nice to your body nice to others... kannn???
23 days... during this post... tidak lama lagi nak raya.... hopefully what my friends and family plan to do flow follow the path... ??? hehe.. english,its really hard though....!
hari rayaaaaaaa!~ here we come..?? kami datang or the month will lead?? I dont know... huhuhuh
K la... without picture..
but, picture express a thousand word kan??? tdak apa la.. my word is focus on something to what I really express about.. so dont mind yaa..
next post will be...
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 9/02/2010 10:39:00 AM 0 kata-kata pujangga
label with puasa
Saturday, July 24, 2010
first of all....
tanx for the spam who really obsessed to my post ... geram banar ei,... can someone teach me on how to make captcha comment???
ok ... skang ni, mmg banyak dugaan ,....a lot of wall need to timber before on the due date.. aiyakk.....
bila la aku ni dapat kehidupan yang all human in this earth really2 dream on?? but measure on that, not all people can have it.,, God made us in a different aspect, such....ada kaya, miskin, comel (me), huduh (ponggong aku), hehe... and banyak lagi.. such a variation of life has made this life more beautiful and colorful like the color of rainbow... wahh..
I know, my things still undone, but, I really hope that it will be the successful ever to get something yang dari drop of my sweat....yaiksss... hehe
every day, always be something yang do people say, " every day a new beginning... ".. jadi kalu benda tak jadi semalam, jadi baru juga tuk ari ni????....sometimes, words just made us feel really happy on what we're not going to catch..
kamu paham ka??? are u with me???heheeh....ntah la apa aku cakap ni...
but ,anyway, feel happy on the road where I'm rite now....
but make sure moey, you're in danger zone...always....sigh*
keep up the good work moey......
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 7/24/2010 02:05:00 PM 2 kata-kata pujangga
Thursday, July 8, 2010
happy or sad.....
its grumbling right now...xtaw nak feel apa... happy jmpa kawan2 yg skang ni, atau sedih tiggalkan segalanya di sandakan..... :(
both of it kot????
ntah la....
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 7/08/2010 09:17:00 AM 5 kata-kata pujangga
Thursday, June 24, 2010
bila cinta ilang power...
do I belive in love right now?? mgkin... tah la..malas pikir, tp klu terlintas, sana la tu yg sakit ny...
tapi apa kan daya,.. klu aku ni ditakdir tiada cinta yg mana maksud aku selain ,cinta ku kepada Allah, cinta ku kepada Rasulullah S.W.T, cinta kepada Ibu Bapa ku,...
Apa bole buat.......
if I meant to be alone, nobody care bout myself, to take care of my heart, heal me anytime that I sad..., i'll be cool., chill,....
sometimes, I talk to my cat, becoz beside my bestest friends (kamu tau la tu sapakn), I always talk about love, about someone to my cats.... (ive got 10 counselor to heal me)...heheh
I love them... my catss mostly....
becos they really know on how they reply back on what I said.... cakar aku!.... hehee.. dah banyak parut dah kat tangan...
till then... another diary posted to everyone of you..... mwaaxxx..kiss kiss.....**
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 6/24/2010 08:49:00 PM 2 kata-kata pujangga
label with sakit ati
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
perlukah.......... :(
"jaga kesihatan aa..., jgn nakal2 taw".... "jgn pegi sana.... ayang tak suka"... "siapa call tu?",,.....
banyak lagi ungkapan sayang kepada si sayang.... walaupun nada yang marah, merajuk, tapi semua tu tanda still can be one of the alternative way to show how exactly you care to your beloved...
"kalau sayang x mau sdh, okay...kita buat haluan masing2".... kenapa perlu mengalah?? kalau kita sayang sangat, mana kekuatan tu??? where is your courage when you spell it out on the beginning of the relationship with him/her??..... putus asa sebab perkara yang hanya disebabkan kelemahan berkata2...
aku berkata2 bukan sebab aku ni ada couple or anyone that really special... but, tgk sekeliling aku semua nya cintan cintun, so aku ambik la sikit2...
why fight always occurred in relationship??? bcoz it one of the reason that on how or to show why you love them.. (really???).....
ntah la... tapi apa bole buat, klu sudah begaduh, panjang betul gaduhan itew, sorang mesti la jadi air ,... siram api tu, klu tanah ,kena siram supaya nda smpi kering kena cahaya matahari....
hehe..." sedangkan cinta situ sana sini berputik, ku melangkah merapuh kan sendiri laluan sempit itu, agar ku jauh sedikit dari pohon yang berdaun lebat.. mungkin tiada harapan ku dekat, kerna duri-duri sudah mula mencakar pernafasan sekelilingnya"....
hanya pastikan jalan ini tidak sesat dan dimakan waktu yang hanya seketika, dapat kah ku lari dari cengkaman fantasi yang sendiri ku memakan diri....
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 6/22/2010 12:45:00 AM 3 kata-kata pujangga
label with macam macam macam macam
Monday, June 14, 2010
I'm not into facebook right now to espress my feeling...
people always shoot their words towards facebook.., aku pun... seriously, like every thought, every feelings, every reaction to the situation, drag me to put a sentences to the box of comment, provided by the admin.. yaa...
but now, entah its a stop period for me to do that on facebook.....maybe because I'm in hometown right now, and my sibling just around my waist..ehehe.. easy for them to laugh on what I post on facebook... almost of the sentence aka quote, all about love....and you know what... adik2 saya always put a big Lol commented through the sentences I post... :P, let me express it MOYEDIN ABDULLAH is I'm freakin Miss ***........ :(
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 6/14/2010 01:10:00 AM 1 kata-kata pujangga
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Okay..... i feel bad,... but...
now I know where is my part for the hierarchy for the list of 'heart loyalty'....(buat sendiri)..hehe..
biarlah,, i just leave it just like that... people always say, one day, you'll come with some one who love you more than you expected... (sapa cakap tu aaa??)..hehehe...
anyway, sapa suka tgk GLEE???? OMG.... I always wanted the complete series of the musical drama,.... seriously, sapa ada????If there's any DVD complete with chapter 1 and 2, pleaseee... someone show me, or give it as a present??? (blinking eyes)* wink2...hehe
surely people who had it, must from downloading,...anyone dare to teach me HOW????? hehehe....
now, let me story something... hehe., semalam pegi wedding one of our friends sister, at karamunting... search in google map, ada tu...hehe
tapi tidak sempat pula mau jumpa pengantin lelaki, .... well, unlucky....
but, we do pray for your best, hopefully this marriage just not for a short term period, hoping this is the mosque that standing forever and ever...haha.. (napa aku makin budu BI ni?)..hehehehNooWWw... the season of world cup is on!! im not so obsess to futball, but the impact of this world cup season is tremendously change the ambiance, every time of the hatric (woww, hatric ka??)..haha... mesti ada yang shout kuat2.....abang aku lah tu.. before this, Euro league kan ada main??? btul kan??? hehe.., kawan yang bagitau, chelsea ka yang menang??? ntah la.. hehe, but, compare to world cup, people who not watching the euro league tiba2 muncul,sama2 teriak to every goal they shoot....hehe, ntah la... maybe world cup does have it own quality,..maybe..
soo., which country will be the champion for this season!!!??? entah la... hehehe...we'll see....
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 6/13/2010 08:20:00 AM 4 kata-kata pujangga
Saturday, June 12, 2010
its really hurt...... :((((((((
I'm not like what you thinking!!!!...... I'm not that tough to handle on this kind of situation that you've brought to me... why the sadden must shown during my rehab to forget you... ????
should I keep thinking about you, or just forget it????? do you think it easy enough to forget you????haaaaa?????
this kind of bullshi* just nothing to do except ruin my life,... why I always has to be the victim?? for you I was nothing to look or heard, or even knew about my life, even me alive or dead, you just do nothing.....
I just crying a lot,..... but why should I????does it clear *** vision to know my situation????? shi*.............
I'm a dumb-es person who ever show up into your life,kannnn?????......
(semua di atas ayat paling bodoh).......... :(
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 6/12/2010 12:37:00 AM 0 kata-kata pujangga
label with bodoh sedih gila
Friday, June 4, 2010
"this is not a date"....... message towards me... :P
ok ......I know. ..sometimes I always feel like a butterflies flew out and in back into my tummy.... I always prepare myself to not think about what its not meant for me... yaa..., I know,sad situation... apa yang perlu aku buat just be wise to face the reality....
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 6/04/2010 01:16:00 AM 4 kata-kata pujangga
Monday, May 31, 2010
aku benci diri sendiri bila berhadapan ngan situasi ni... napa perlu aku jumpa semua ni?? kalau aku tahu dari dulu aku akan sakit macam ni, tidak mau mula pun walau sepatah kata.... aku tahu bodoh aku tahap dewa sdh... tapi amcam kalau sudah hati sdh ada syg????
sepatah haram pun tidak kuar dri mulut.... like an invisible seal bibir dari becakap.... orang ckp bila bedepan dengan org yg kita syg, pasti lutut mengeletar... serius, tadi mau pengsan... i dont know what to do...
feel stupid, malu... sebab bagi dia, just ordinary human or maybe alien dimata nya... mungkin dia rasa lain aku nda becakap.. ya lah, bukan someone special, kawan ja...harap dia faham, aku nda tecakap apa pun td...
for blogger, just nak bgtau, aku tak dapat kawal semua... I know, people will say that just forget h**...dia bukan syg ko...tapi apa boleh buat, klu sdh hati ni mcm terpahat mati untuk namanya...
semua kawan aku, please, jauhkan aku jika bole aku xmau jumpa... bila tgk muka dia td, macam usaha aku selama aku tak jmpa sia-sia... bodoh..
j'aime toujours..... :'(
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 5/31/2010 08:52:00 PM 0 kata-kata pujangga
label with sakit hurt
Friday, May 28, 2010
now... the process of forgetting the one that I love... A lots of things should be done or activity to loose my self beside on thinking of what I had for the 4 and half years with.....
I think I can do it, try to minimize or decreasing the feeling or touching emotion on my thought everyday.. especially things relate to.....haha
I've got this power because of one situation, by sms-ing, I don't know this has to be the causes, but its happen after the situation... feel embarrassing, feel guilty to myself, to others, and also for the person that I had feeling too.....
now I have to run, as fast as I can from the bad things before I become worst more than now....
I've got nothing to say....thats why this post has exist on the next posting...huhu
bosann=bored, nothing to do... haiyahhhhhh!~
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 5/28/2010 03:17:00 AM 1 kata-kata pujangga
Sunday, May 23, 2010
ku ada kamu - Adira courtesy by ASTRO
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 5/23/2010 03:01:00 AM 0 kata-kata pujangga
Saturday, May 22, 2010 song BEST!
post in BM...hehe.. boleh la final AF8.....mak aku memang lah tak suka sangat shahir menang... tapi apa boleh buat, mak aku admit juga la suara best, lagu best..hehehe
anyway, what i love most about their attribute for the finale AF, their song... BEST!!!!!
suka adira... apa2 pun bukan rezeki... rezeki kau ada di depan sana... GUD JOB!
lagu menyentuh hati sekali..... ku ada kamu-ADIRA
ehmmm....poyo-RSVP-MAULANA... in gud way....i love it..!
macho-Kebahagiaan dalam perpisahan-SHAHIR
like it.....-V.I.P-IWAN
yang lain tak dengar lagi.....but, i'll buy the album....nanti...hehe
on top of it.... "senyumlah..kerana ada seseorang menyayangi anda".... :)
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 5/22/2010 11:28:00 PM 3 kata-kata pujangga
label with AF8
new promo.......p/s im single....huhu
first single..... hehe.... I know, I never been in love, but its truth, I used to be one of the character that in love someone... meaning that, crush...
but it just what they called, unnoticed love by them.. well, beauty still the power of getting love... hehe.. dont blame me.... I know, I just depressing enough to say that I'm to emotion to get one....
well, God knows the best for my destiny...
what should I do rite now???
find some one???
or just let the destiny comes with what have been wrote for me???
or just do my best on my future career and end up solo and become "andartu terlampau"???
just nak tolong promo.... ive been watch the trailer....quite funny....hehe....
waiting for this coming in theater, i thing it's shows already....go malaysian, proud to has this in the industry...
back to mine, im single...
p/s available, but nothing can change it....haha...
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 5/22/2010 03:53:00 PM 3 kata-kata pujangga
label with huuu
Thursday, May 13, 2010
now I hate both of it....!!!
well., only 1hr 34minute,32 second,...and decreasing,...nge~ I'm waiting for depart from gate 12 to KK which flight AK5112, and its delay....suppose to be 6.50 goes to 7.30... aiyakkkkk!
back to the title up there, recently i told my family, frens, and sometimes, in facebook, that I dont like to use MAS to fly..not because of the ticket was expensive, (eventually).hehehe.... but, the internet only limited to 2 Hr..... NOW., Lcct do the same thing, Oh God....
plus, it has been strictly just one bag can enter to the cabin, now I have to purchase a price of Rm3o for only 10.7kg and it just one(1) bag.....
Thank God i save my money for not eating at McDonald, because I've got ony Rm50 in my pocket, now what should I do??? ask for money from daddy??? he just gave me Rm100......aiyyooooo!!!~~
please, macamana mau enjoy kalau teda duit ni????? sigh*
hoping for miracle to come.... haish....~*
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 5/13/2010 05:58:00 PM 0 kata-kata pujangga
label with geram
Thursday, May 6, 2010
I felt looser, down without love...
I know something bothering me lately,
Because of what I've been through,
sigh it felt with misery,
such things always happen to me..
I know God send someone that will love me,
but till then nobody's around,
loving me like they love their part,
maybe someday..
I'll always wait....
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 5/06/2010 01:46:00 PM 4 kata-kata pujangga
Saturday, April 17, 2010
bila rasa ini akan berhenti
sebelum ini, aku rasa semuanya akan berhenti., akan padam....rupanya masih lagi berlarutan.. siapa aku sebenarnya pada kamu.... aku tahu, jika aku masuk dalam derita itu, aku tau aku akan jauh mengganas dari biasa, siapa aku sebenarnya pada kamu?
kalau kamu tahu perasaan aku, apa yang aku rasa sekarang, mungkin kamu akan buat lagi menderita, aku tahu, siapa aku... kamu tidak...
susah aku membenci.. sebab aku tiada hak membenci, sekali ku benci, tidak akan berbaik lagi..
cubalah kamu mengerti, kalau kamu buat begitu, begini akan terjadi... bukan diluar, tapi dalam hati aku....
sakit ....
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 4/17/2010 01:43:00 AM 0 kata-kata pujangga
label with sakit macam bodoh
Friday, March 19, 2010
dear blog...
Why I always had this feeling??? Loving someone without knowing what the consequences will come out in a future? I Know the answer will be the same as well to my past situation, I know, nobody will took me as part of their life, as well to fill their heart with feeling to love me, I know it will harm myself due to what have been wrote to my destiny, and many things around my head, just like the bird flew against the wall.
Most of the human out there, got their own soul partner, just a simple as snap, you snap it, and you got it. But for me, snap for hundreds times, its only hurting myself.
I know, motivation has to build up through my feeling, I know, beside on waiting somebody to love me, there’s a lot of people already love me by looking who I really am. I know, what bad think happen, there’s a good thing will come out to.
What I want to do right now, try to give it all the way. Do I have that courage? I don’t know… perhaps, it won’t show.
I’ll try to believe in myself; someday one of them will miss me as what I miss all about them right now. Because of what I attempt to do, enjoy with all of them who love as my guidance, as friends, as the citizen.
Love you as I always do.
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 3/19/2010 09:27:00 PM 2 kata-kata pujangga
Thursday, February 18, 2010
do you have a monkey crush experience???
i do.... long time i havent post anything...busy with "latest season' of my degree.. 1 more semester to go.... kejap nyer....
expresi by akupenulisbiasa bila waktunya? 2/18/2010 01:13:00 AM 1 kata-kata pujangga